Ikraa Academy

Ikraa Academy is an online platform (e-school) that has more than 50 e-courses that teach the Reading, Writing and Speaking the Arabic language in just 5 working days or 35 hours. In addition, it has more than 25 e-stories Ikraa e-courses conquered the challenge learning Arabic Language in an unprecedented manner. The e-courses adopts an innovative teaching methodology designed to accelerate and achieve learning the Arabic language in the most effective and efficient way possible which is a proven track record of 35 hours. Ikraa users/learners, learn reading and writing letters, combining letters to form words and words into sentences then paragraphs and in gross reading and writing 1256 words and paragraphs in 35 hours. Other e-courses include Sciences, enforcement courses, most frequently used Arabic words and phrases, Grammar and writing rules e-courses.

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